Hand, Wrist, & Upper Extremity

Hand, Wrist, & Upper Extremity in

Valencia, CA & Lancaster, CA

Avors Medical Group

AVORS Medical Group goal of treatment is to restore pain-free hand function and allow you to return to normal activities as soon as possible. Dr. Justin Heller is Fellowship Trained in Hand, Elbow, and Upper Extremity.   He also masterfully works on all hand trauma in the entire Antelope Valley.  Dr. Heller is highly skilled with precise surgical techniques required to treat hand and wrist problems effectively.

  • Avors Medical Group

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What do Hand, Wrist, and Extremity Specialists Do?

We all do a lot with our hands every day. Injuries, repetitive tasks, or other conditions can make use of these important tools quite difficult and frustrating. When a problem to the hand, wrist, forearm or elbow will not go away, it may be time to see a specialist.

We have orthopedic specialists who are solely focused on treating the bones, muscles, nerves, and joints of the hand and related extremities. They see patients for a variety of reasons. Sports-related injuries to the hand or wrist can result in fractions or dislocations. This kind of trauma can also include tendon, nerve and blood vessel injuries. Other times it might be work-related injuries due to an accident or occur from years of repetitive motion such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Whatever the cause, we have highly-skilled specialists that can treat arthritis, vascular disease and circulatory disturbances in the hand, trigger finger, cubital tunnel syndrome, and radial tunnel syndrome.

Upper Extremity Services

  • Sports injuries and conditions/tennis and golfer elbow
  • Carpal and cubital tunnel syndrome
  • Trigger finger
  • Tendinitis/arthritis
  • Nerve compression symptoms
  • Wrist and hand pain
  • Fracture management of hand, wrist and forearm
  • Arthroscopic procedures
  • Occupational and work-related injuries
  • Nerve healing and repetitive use injuries

Our team recognizes that treating the underlying pain though surgery can do a great deal in improving everyday life for patients, but the best treatment will include having a plan in place for how to avoid such situations again, especially in the case where the condition was caused by repetitive use. We equip you with the information and advice you need to care for your hand and wrist health going forward.

AVORS Medical Group focus is to both relieve pain and restore function to allow you to return to your normal, active lifestyle. We offer treatment for both children and adults who suffer from hand injuries or conditions. While many hand problems can be resolved with conservative, non-surgical treatment, we also offer minimally invasive procedures and open procedures if the condition is especially painful or advanced in nature.

Upper Extremity

  • Sports injuries and conditions/tennis and golfer elbow
  • Carpal and cubital tunnel syndrome
  • Trigger finger
  • Tendinitis/arthritis
  • Nerve compression symptoms
  • Wrist and hand pain
  • Fracture management of hand, wrist and forearm
  • Arthroscopic procedures
  • Occupational and work-related injuries
  • Nerve healing and repetitive use injuries


Justin B. Heller, M.D.

Board Certified Traumatic Hand Plastic Surgeon

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Call for info on upper extremity services.

Lancaster (661) 726-5005

Valencia (661) 705-5100

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